We identify and work on each of our proposals from a universal vision of the territory, its cosmogony and particularities. We identify our proposals with names of animals of the territory in Colombian indigenous languages.
Here are our bets
San Carlos Antioquia

San Carlos is a municipality in Colombia, located in the eastern sub-region of the department of Antioquia.
A large part of its population lives in the rural area of the municipality and represents 54% of the inhabitants of the municipality, who demand improvements in the health system, greater coverage and access to quality specialized medicine.
Dobida is a pilot program with a hybrid model of care in the area of visual health. Basic and specialized on-site care and the development of strategies for tele-medical services to detect, diagnose and treat the most prevalent and chronic visual anomalies in the region, especially in rural areas. In collaboration with COOGRANADA

79.7% of the department’s population has unsatisfied basic needs.
Chocó is the poorest region in Colombia with the lowest Human Development Index (HDI) in the country: 0.684 (average). Sokae is a project to implement a pilot model for the Colombian Pacific region.
We are making progress in the construction of a hybrid health project that includes healthcare and telemedicine services, with the objective of improving coverage in visual health, musculoskeletal and general medicine in the municipality and the entire Pacific region in the future.
Popayan - Cauca

Cauca, a department located in southwestern Colombia, faces challenges in social development despite its cultural richness. With a development index that reveals inequalities, the region is focused on improving living conditions. It also has a significant indigenous population, which plays a crucial role in the regional identity, highlighting the cultural diversity of the area.
Implementation of a hybrid care model for early childhood from indigenous communities, focused on psychomotor care. This model is characterized by evaluative stages, hybrid intervention and executed by a group of professionals in physiatry, occupational therapy, speech therapy, nutrition and physiotherapy.